windows update from march/2020

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windows update from march/2020

Unread post by CaNNon »

Worst windows update ever!!! Five windows screens before I even login, just to confirm I didn't want the spyware.
Then I've got red blocks informing me the administrator has blocked software from running, Shit I'd just logged in as administrator!

My screen resolution has been turned to crap. Double crap No internet, I go to check why and all WI-FI account info is gone.... NO passwords damn I have "ouch correction" had over a dozen remote locations setup.

First red box is: damn they don't want me running the classic menus. WTF I don't like the touch screen style and the regular menu system is no better. I have a computer I would like a menu system suitable to one, is that really so hard to do?

Nice they been changing settings again. I've every switch that lets them do anything off!
Use my sign-in info to automatically finish setting up my device and reopen my apps after an update or restart
I'd set that to no because I didn't want them to have remote admin rights ever! Can you guess whats it's on now?
Lets give a clicky to the "learn more" link, You never know... I may have no idea about computers or code and want some help?
"Poor silly bugger, we took your NIC out but lets send you to the web site anyway....."
Well digging around to find all the switches as well as the ones they tried to hide should be good for a couple of hours of fun.

O god edge is back, that shit is impossible to remove. I'd tied that things testies in such a knot it never should have been able to get on a menu again. I'd suppose that means the microcrap store has made a comeback too?

I don't understand why I insist on keeping windows on one of my laptops if I had 1/2 a brain I'd nuke it and put Ubuntu on it.

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Re: windows update from march/2020

Unread post by CaNNon »

OK so, the other red box's.... my bad. They will be making a comeback but I see the point.

O lookie I have new security settings and they are enabled too how nice! :evil:

Well I thought I'd make a trip over to the microsoft site maybe they have a "easy button" vs the roll back option.
Type in some very specif related search, number one find is "update my Xbox software" Ok I'll just have a snoop around on my own.
Yea not so good now I remember why I don't visit them... any one asks an intelligent question or expects the shit to work just get the tread locked.

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Re: windows update from march/2020

Unread post by Vinster »

Ya, on every update you have to manually re-apply the anti-spy crap yourself. and with every update they move shit around making it script easy more difficult..

if it wasn't for the games I play that will only run on windows... I'd switch back over a year ago.


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Re: windows update from march/2020

Unread post by CaNNon »

Yea, the same I suppose. Windows is on an MSI stealth gaming rig and I spend most of my time on this old Lenovo. Sympathy pains now I'll have to wipe the dust of it while I see if i can put it right with out doing a roll back. :)

Things are now back to "looking normal", just got to go over the switches. Any thing I need to leave on in that security thing Vin or can I kill it all?

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Re: windows update from march/2020

Unread post by Vinster »

No, kill everything you can, but I haven't done that shit in the last 2 updates so I'm rusty. I'm looking at a new build and after the changes from 2 updates ago I just turned everything off from the menus, I haven't looked at the Registry edits/powershell shit in a while.

I'd be googling it again at this point


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Re: windows update from march/2020

Unread post by CaNNon »

I don't mean reg or shell, that's the easy button for me. It's new graphical switches in security kind looks like the extra switches are for that CPU microcode exploit. But with no one wanting to tell you exactly that? And if that's it, why the bloody hell would they give an option to shut it off?

O.. A.. one of those red boxes was from some stuff that was intended to stop updates period, so I may have been a little behind your two. :cry:

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Re: windows update from march/2020

Unread post by Vinster »

I'm at 1903 right now, not sure I know what you're referencing.

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Re: windows update from march/2020

Unread post by CaNNon »

This thing.
Annotation 2020-03-05 015006.jpg
Annotation 2020-03-05 015006.jpg (27.93 KiB) Viewed 29769 times
and this
Annotation 2020-03-05 021006.jpg
Annotation 2020-03-05 021006.jpg (33.72 KiB) Viewed 29769 times
And this got turned on witch I turn off in bios.
ecure boot

3 minutes to read

Secure boot is a security standard developed by members of the PC industry to help make sure that a device boots using only software that is trusted by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). When the PC starts, the firmware checks the signature of each piece of boot software, including UEFI firmware drivers (also known as Option ROMs), EFI applications, and the operating system. If the signatures are valid, the PC boots, and the firmware gives control to the operating system.

The OEM can use instructions from the firmware manufacturer to create Secure boot keys and to store them in the PC firmware. When you add UEFI drivers, you'll also need to make sure these are signed and included in the Secure Boot database.

For information on how the secure boot process works included Trusted Boot and Measured Boot, see Secure the Windows 10 boot process.

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Re: windows update from march/2020

Unread post by Vinster »

Secure boot I know, but those other two Items are new to me. I'll have to look them up. but mine match yours in terms of it being off as well..


EDIT: So Memory Integrity is another layer to verify memory. could be for the intel exploit, but not referenced in this...
Memory integrity is a feature of Windows that ensures code running in the Windows kernel is securely designed and trustworthy. It uses hardware virtualization and Hyper-V to protect Windows kernel mode processes from the injection and execution of malicious or unverified code. The integrity of code that runs on Windows is validated by memory integrity, making Windows resistant to attacks from malicious software. Memory integrity is a powerful security boundary that helps to block many types of malware from running in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 environments.
and TPM, yes, that one I remember after reading a bit about it, but I've never used it personally, but it seems on my work laptop it's already on... go figure.

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